Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Twenty Second

Oh my cold is finally starting to leave me alone, but I still sound like sick person sounds.
So today I read one of my favorite Pslams. Psalm 42. It reminds me of a song we used to sing in church when I was younger too. " As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God. " I love the imagery in this verse and, yes, I kind of think of a bambi(ish) cartoon character thirsting and drinking water.
Another Psalm I read today was the 40th Psalm. In this one it says, "He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord." ah, so encouraging.

This world is so interesting. The people that God has surrounded me with just seem to bless me every day. I had a friend who just needed some word of encouragement and it meant so much to me that she asked me. I was almost honored that God had put me in her life to use me, so that He can use me to help her. It's also interesting in just having conversations with people and roommates that we each learn through each other. We each see a different perspective that we wouldn't have seen if we didn't start a conversation.

OH. So you know how I was challenging myself to be less afraid of approaching people, and to not ignore the fact that I knew someone? I had another victorious moment in one of classes the other day. It's so weird that that could be so hard for me. Also, is it weird that stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something as simple as being friendly makes me proud of myself? I guess that question is directed towards more introverted people, because all you extroverts probably think I'm crazy and have no idea where I'm coming from.

Anyway, when I started this blog I was complaining of all the snow we didn't have. Now, I think we may have too much and it's supposed to snow again tonight. My Uggs are getting a work out! haha.

Today my brother got a coin from the commanding general on the base that he is working. Aw, I'm so proud of him, not to mention excited. He's only been there for a couple months and he already has a coin! That's crazy.  That picture above is me and Bobby after we saw step up 3-D. We have a small obsession with movies that are related to dance. One day, we'll both know all the moves.

Ok. I think I might go see The Social Network tonight. I'll give a review later.

See You Later Alligators!

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