Monday, January 3, 2011

The Third

So here it is another day. I'm watching K-State play a basketball game; they're winning. It's great.

Tomorrow my two roommates and a lot of my close friends leave for a missions trip to Haiti. I've been praying lots for their trip. They're going to do so much good there. I hope it's a great trip for them. The trip was organized by the campus ministry that I attend, Ichthus. I really love the people, the message and all of the activities that Ichthus does. I love that Ichthus focuses on personal relationships within the ministry and a personal, spiritually active, relationship with Christ. I have a feeling that Christ is going to protect them and touch them and the lives that they affect on this mission trip.

I went for a run this morning, it was 20 degrees, so I ran fast so I could warm up quick. Tomorrow I plan on running with two of my friends. I don't know why I run. I guess I'm concerned with my cholesterol, not so much weight. I started being interested in fitness when I entered middle school and couldn't run a mile in under 10 minutes. I was pretty embarrassed, so I tried to get in shape. I've gone in and out of shape for the last 8 years, but it was when I finally became less concerned about my weight that I began enjoying it far more. So we'll see if I've improved at all tomorrow.

later alligator.

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