Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Twenty Fifth

Ah, I was so excited to sit down and write today. Yay! It's growing on me. Class=okay. P. Chem might be the death of me, I mean I might actually have to open up a calculus book and relearn all that stuff. yikes. So needless to say I was kind of intimidated by that. 
I was able to go to lifegroup tonight and that makes me all sorts of happy. Mostly because that little talk opened my eyes up to some things that I've been missing. One girl shared of her experiences being a non-christian and being approached by a christian. It was so interesting to think of things the way she put it and it makes me ask myself, why aren't I talking to all of my friends about Jesus. I mean, my goodness, I think I think about him enough, and I have found my identity in Him and I think I'm growing in Him. So this huge important thing in my life turns into like a taboo subject every time I'm around my non-christian friends. Now that I get to thinking about it, I'm always so interested in their life and they seem so interested in mine, why do I casually forget that I am a Christian first and they should be interested in hearing that too. Well, maybe. We also talked about current struggles, kind of like what has been on our heart.
Ok, right now I'm really tying things together- I said that my prayers are so me-focused lately, when yes, I do need prayer, but their are so many other things in this world and in my life that need prayer. I guess I should pray that God begins softening the hearts of those friends that I want to meet Jesus. The "multitude of nations" of christian believers is first mentioned in Genesis, the very beginning of time. I think I should follow through with this prophecy, to not be intimidated and afraid to bring up my one and first true love, Jesus Christ.

Another thing that someone mentioned was the desires of our heart. I realized I haven't been talking to God about those at all. I have so many and I have a life that I want to live. Mostly I want my desires to aligned with what he has in store for me. I know he listens, and I know he has so much planned for my life, I just shouldn't be afraid to ask for it.
I've used the word afraid so many times in this little entry, it's kind of sickening. I don't want to be afraid of simple things. There is only one thing that I should fear and that is God. So, our discussion was encouraging, which is what it should be. I feel like my burden was laid down, which is pretty renewing.

I'm off to my extremely comfortable bed. 8:30am class tomorrow!

After while crocodiles!

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