Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Second

Kansas weather is so strange. Right now that La Nina weather cycle is really affecting us. This means that January has come and no large snow accumulation has came. It's so sad. Snow is apart of the season. I guess I think it's so sad since I spent most of my adolescent years in Alaska where snow never melted in the winter. So therefore, for me, no winter is complete without at least one substantial snowfall. So I guess this dry dry Kansas winter is here and all I can do is sip on my peppermint hot chocolate and hope that one day before April it will snow. I'll keep you updated on the snowfall totals when it actually happens.

Today I spent sometime with some of my Best Friends. They are both so artsy and used their skills to make paintings and postcards. I worked on an album that started to compile my 2010 year of pictures. It makes me so grateful to have friends who want to spend time with me. I'm thankful especially that we're all so different. I learn so much from being around those two girls that I wouldn't learn from anyone else, solely because we are different.

I have this awful habit that if I see someone I know in a store or public place I avoid them or pretend that I don't notice them just so I won't have to say anything to them. I guess that that is the introvert in me. So, I'm trying hard to break that habit and be as friendly as possible, even if it makes me look silly. Today at church, my habit was tested. During the 'meet and greet' portion I shook hands with someone who looked familiar to me, but I didn't acknowledge the familiarity. I was reminded of my awful habit and when the sermon was over I went back and talked to the person. Victory!!

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