Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Eleventh

Ah, so my boots didn't arrive today, but FedEx tells me they are near!

Today I wanted to talked a little about my relationship with God. I've grown up in a Christian home, my parents were not really raised with an understanding of a relationship with christ, but as they parented and raised me they made sure I knew. Therefore, I've always known I was a child of God, made in His image and likeness. I've always loved church, not many Sundays that I wanted to stay home. I've always loved the church community that is always growing and continuing to love me and my brokenness, just like Christ does. At the age of ten I made it official and prayed Jesus into my heart, but felt no difference, no almighty power, but I did try a little harder thinking I had someone to please. Later on in high school I prayed him into my heart again. This time I think I understood it a little better, and I could truly see how sin can hurt and destroy many things. I learned that I wasn't supposed to be pleasing Christ, because why on earth would he design me and continue to make me and allow me to grow if he wasn't pleased with his creation when the whole idea of me started?

This time I made an effort, because at this age people really start deciding things for their life. I look back now and realize I turned to Him every time I needed help, made a decision, saw the vastness of His creation. My heart had really turned to Him and I really felt as though I was no longer OF the world, just living in the world.

My senior year of high school I really felt as though God was calling me away from Manhattan. I had no desire in my heart to go to KSU, so off to Chicago I went. He completely changed my heart there. He turned my naivety, and showed me the brokenness of the hearts and the world around me. He taught me to lean even more heavily on Him. He showed me so many answered prayers, that only He could manipulate to fulfill His desires. After that whirlwind of a semester, I came back home to KSU and quickly fell in love with my town all over again. The first semester was hard, because close to none of my friends decided to go to KSU after break and I was living at home. Luckly, I have found so many friends, yet, since I'm so comfortable here I feel like I have been giving my Creator much less time than he deserves. So I'm going to try and make this blog a little more God focused and little less me focused.

At the beginning of the school year I decided I would read one Psalm every day. Well, I should be long finished by now, but lazy ole me only made it to the 32 Psalm. So I just read it. It's crazy how one little book, The Bible speaks to every area of my life. This Pslam talks about forgiveness and how simply we ask and are granted the seventh verse reads "You are a hiding place for me; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with shouts of deliverance." the 10 verse reads, "Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts the Lord." I'm always in awe of His love. It is incredible how I can feel it every day, how I can't imagine my life without Christ in it.

In Him.

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