Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Thirtieth

I think tomorrow I'm going to talk about feminism, it's been on my heart a lot lately. I just uploaded photos on facebook. I think it's fun to only upload pictures every once and a while. My reason is this: it's very easy to forget fun, simple times that I've had. When I upload pictures every once and a while, I get to reminisce on all the lovely times I've had that I probably forgot about.

My goal is to get to bed early tonight so I won't fall asleep in class.
And it's going to snow a ton this week and I've been complaining about it all night. I wouldn't mind it if I had no where to go, but I do. I don't trust other drivers in snow and I'm probably not that great of a driver in snow either.

I'm once again tired and this is because I didn't have my second dose of caffeine today. Typically I drink one cup of coffee in the morning to get me going and about 3 or 4 in the afternoon I drink a Doctor Pepper. This helps me not take a nap and keeps me working hard all day long. Since I only had a small cup of coffee and no DP, it's making me sleepy. So tomorrow I think I'll be able to write more in depth than I have been lately. I have like 5 quizzes this week, so there will be lots of studying going on this week too.

hasta la vista.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Twenty Ninth

I apologize for not writing too much lately. Yesterday I got to spend time and talk with lots people that I care about a lot. It was nice to have real conversations. It was nice to ask how each other were doing and get real answers. But, today is January 29, 2011! Why am I so excited?? It's Kansas' 150th Birthday! I thought about baking a cake, but I'm not really in the mood. I've mostly been studying and catching up on TV today. Today is a beautiful Kansas day, and in a very Kansas fashion the high is 48 today, but by Monday there will be snow again and highs in the low 20s.

I think Kansas is a very underestimated state. For one, it's on the cutting edge of many biological and energy source research development. Yes, there are rural parts, but for there are plenty of cities to visit if you need an urban fix.

So here are 10 things I love about Kansas:
1. Beautiful Scenery, whether it be the prairies or the sunrises and sunsets, I always find something beautiful
2. All the seasons are represented. When I lived in Alaska, the seasons were winter, snow melt, and rain season. In Kansas summer is filled with hot humid heat, autumn all the trees turn beautiful colors, winter there are snow storms, and in spring everything is brought to life.
3. Geographical center of the 'lower 48's' (as the Alaskans say)
4. Sunflowers
5. An insane amount of republicans
6. Kansas State University
7. The History. i.e Brown v. board of education, the dust bowl, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
8. The people
9. I-70 (minus the toll booths). This interstate is like the belt of the United States.
10. The hometown I feel whenever I visit any other city in Kansas outside of Manhattan.

So tonight is the sunflower showdown. Can KSU beat KU? I would hope so, but I think it might be a tough win.

see ya'll.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Twenty Sixth

I'm not writing today. I'm tired.

Don't let the bed bugs bite ; )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Twenty Fifth

Ah, I was so excited to sit down and write today. Yay! It's growing on me. Class=okay. P. Chem might be the death of me, I mean I might actually have to open up a calculus book and relearn all that stuff. yikes. So needless to say I was kind of intimidated by that. 
I was able to go to lifegroup tonight and that makes me all sorts of happy. Mostly because that little talk opened my eyes up to some things that I've been missing. One girl shared of her experiences being a non-christian and being approached by a christian. It was so interesting to think of things the way she put it and it makes me ask myself, why aren't I talking to all of my friends about Jesus. I mean, my goodness, I think I think about him enough, and I have found my identity in Him and I think I'm growing in Him. So this huge important thing in my life turns into like a taboo subject every time I'm around my non-christian friends. Now that I get to thinking about it, I'm always so interested in their life and they seem so interested in mine, why do I casually forget that I am a Christian first and they should be interested in hearing that too. Well, maybe. We also talked about current struggles, kind of like what has been on our heart.
Ok, right now I'm really tying things together- I said that my prayers are so me-focused lately, when yes, I do need prayer, but their are so many other things in this world and in my life that need prayer. I guess I should pray that God begins softening the hearts of those friends that I want to meet Jesus. The "multitude of nations" of christian believers is first mentioned in Genesis, the very beginning of time. I think I should follow through with this prophecy, to not be intimidated and afraid to bring up my one and first true love, Jesus Christ.

Another thing that someone mentioned was the desires of our heart. I realized I haven't been talking to God about those at all. I have so many and I have a life that I want to live. Mostly I want my desires to aligned with what he has in store for me. I know he listens, and I know he has so much planned for my life, I just shouldn't be afraid to ask for it.
I've used the word afraid so many times in this little entry, it's kind of sickening. I don't want to be afraid of simple things. There is only one thing that I should fear and that is God. So, our discussion was encouraging, which is what it should be. I feel like my burden was laid down, which is pretty renewing.

I'm off to my extremely comfortable bed. 8:30am class tomorrow!

After while crocodiles!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Twenty Fourth

YES. Wildcats for the win!

Today was a good, long day. Plenty of classes to go to, and work to do.
I really enjoy praying, it's like I can get all my thoughts out, meditate about my day, listen to God and just focus internally. Although, I have a feeling that my prayer life is about to take some interesting turns. Lots of people have been coming to me with the troubles in their life, and I'm starting to realize I need to spend less time praying about me and more time praying about the world and those around me. Specifically, my family. Those are four of my favorite people on earth and they need to be in my prayers more than they are.

I'm going to keep this post short, because I just took some night time cold medicine and I totally already feel it working me to sleep. So before my thoughts start making less sense, I've had the Chris Tomlin song "Jesus Messiah" stuck in my head all day. I've hummed it and prayed it's words to God all day and I've really picked apart the lyrics. It's cool how God can put a song in my head that completely glorifies Him so that I can praise Him all day. "The rescue for sinners, The ransom from Heaven, Jesus Messiah, Emmanuel" It's so beautiful.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Twenty Third

Today me and one my roommate spent all day joking about how we get along so well just because we took a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. I'm an ISTJ and she is an ESTJ. So we're very similar, but really, she's just a control freak. haha, not really, but she does like to take charge and can sometimes be boisterous. She thinks this is bad, but I keep telling her that the world needs people like her, otherwise nothing would get done. We both like hard facts, logical and efficient ways to do things. So as we were making dinner for our Ichthus group of friends, we did it in the most efficient way, that only true STJers would understand... Just kidding.

But anyway, it was interesting to see how others view me and how sometimes I can inadvertently hurt people. It's funny how I say, "Oh my gosh, that is SO true!" when reading these things, but I probably already knew it.
So this is me: I'm an introverted senser, which totally makes since to me. I think about times I travel I get so exhausted because I need time to think and meditate on all the things that I have observed. And observing is something that I like to do; take in the world via my senses, not so much in the action, but observing the action.  However, I'm an extraverted thinker, which means I'm not afraid of conflict and not afraid to share my opinion. It's weird though, because these types of people have a hard time sharing their feelings with people close to them. It's true, I cannot even being to think of how often I forget to tell people that I appreciate them. I guess to me, I just don't think people needed to hear that because I don't need to hear that to know that I'm appreciated.
I also don't like to give myself credit for things that I have done, because I always act like I'm fulfilling an obligation. It's incredibly true, everything that I have ever done and achieved in my life I've never really given myself credit for because to me I wasn't achieving something, I was doing what I was supposed to. Which is another thing part of my personality I like structure and government provides structure along with rules, which I will not break. SO TRUE.
I want peaceful living, but to surround myself with beauty and security. I'm also very loyal and faithful to my family, which is incredibly me! There is so much more that is also insanely true about me.

Now as I'm writing this my other roommate is reading to me all of the attributes to her personality type and she keeps saying the same thing, "so true!". Ah, how do the psychologists know this?!?

Its weird that I was designed as this person who has attributes of greatness but at the same time my flaws are obvious. I guess we're all supposed to have flaws, no one is perfect. But this kind of goes back to the verse that I shared earlier, that His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. We are supposed to have those, we are supposed to need something to make us whole. The reason that I am made with imperfections is for His glory. Life is so interesting.

After while crocodiles.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Twenty Second

Oh my cold is finally starting to leave me alone, but I still sound like sick person sounds.
So today I read one of my favorite Pslams. Psalm 42. It reminds me of a song we used to sing in church when I was younger too. " As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God. " I love the imagery in this verse and, yes, I kind of think of a bambi(ish) cartoon character thirsting and drinking water.
Another Psalm I read today was the 40th Psalm. In this one it says, "He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord." ah, so encouraging.

This world is so interesting. The people that God has surrounded me with just seem to bless me every day. I had a friend who just needed some word of encouragement and it meant so much to me that she asked me. I was almost honored that God had put me in her life to use me, so that He can use me to help her. It's also interesting in just having conversations with people and roommates that we each learn through each other. We each see a different perspective that we wouldn't have seen if we didn't start a conversation.

OH. So you know how I was challenging myself to be less afraid of approaching people, and to not ignore the fact that I knew someone? I had another victorious moment in one of classes the other day. It's so weird that that could be so hard for me. Also, is it weird that stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something as simple as being friendly makes me proud of myself? I guess that question is directed towards more introverted people, because all you extroverts probably think I'm crazy and have no idea where I'm coming from.

Anyway, when I started this blog I was complaining of all the snow we didn't have. Now, I think we may have too much and it's supposed to snow again tonight. My Uggs are getting a work out! haha.

Today my brother got a coin from the commanding general on the base that he is working. Aw, I'm so proud of him, not to mention excited. He's only been there for a couple months and he already has a coin! That's crazy.  That picture above is me and Bobby after we saw step up 3-D. We have a small obsession with movies that are related to dance. One day, we'll both know all the moves.

Ok. I think I might go see The Social Network tonight. I'll give a review later.

See You Later Alligators!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Twentieth

AHH. So when I get sick I tend to neglect things (just like I'm neglecting my women's studies readings to write here, right now). That's what happened yesterday. I went to class and slept most of the day. And I just sneezed six times in a row, that's got to be some sort of world record or something.

I just got home from being at Ichthus. I LOVE Ichthus. Tonight, one of our new leaders spoke. He told how us meeting in this place is good for spiritual walks, but it is not good enough. He then asked the question, "Where is your place?" I got to thinking about and I really couldn't narrow it down. I guess mostly when I'm in my room. Or when I run I just talk with God continuously. But I think I need to find a real place so that I can be constantly growing. He said his pet peeve was when people decided not to be apart of something because they weren't being spiritually fed, which, I have to admit, is something I say. He said it is not the church's responsibility to feed you. Yes there can be powerful moments and sometimes you will feel like you got fed, but to truly get fed is to feed yourself. He said a man becomes a man when he knows how to feed himself spiritually, and the same goes for a woman. I got to thinking about that and I think I do tend to put that responsibility on someone else, which is probably why I like to go to church and Ichthus, but I can't keep an honest Bible reading/God talking schedule.

I feel like listing little things that I'm thankful for, so here it goes.

  • Roommates who leave the lamp light on for me when they know I'm going to be late
  • Parents who take care of me when I'm sick
  • My dog because she makes my heart swell with joy
  • Burger King
  • Post-it notes
  • Friends who bless me


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The eighteenth.

I've somehow managed to catch something. I'm hoping the Vitamin C that I just chomped down and the 5 glasses of water I just drank make me immune to whatever pesky little thing that's floating around and causing my throat to be sore and my nose to be running non-stop.

Today was a much better day; I didn't cry. haha. Anyway, the first day of classes is always interesting. I mostly end up bumming around campus because all of my classes ended extremely early. I had one professor say, "I have to be honest with you all. I learned I was teaching this course quite literally five minutes ago."

The verse in 2 Corinthians keeps popping into my life. Mostly via Facebook. It says, "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." I feel like that's how yesterday went. Yesterday I was weak, but it made me realize the strength of Christ, that He never has a bad day where He doesn't want to talk or be around people or dreads the idea of going to school. It makes me realize that His power is something that can lift the gloom of any day, it is just how much control I am willing to give him, which should be all control, but I have a lot of control issues that I'm working on.

Tomorrow is my second day of classes, my longest day. Four classes back to back and I bet it will be dull, once again, because teachers can't say "hey, read the syllabus, if you have any questions e-mail me." Don't they realize all syllabi are essentially the same? 
Ok, I'm being a downer, I'll quit right now.

Sunshine and smiles to you.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Seventeenth.

I'm eating oatmeal, I can't remember the last time I ate oatmeal. Nor can I remember the last time I cried, but for some reason I'm doing that now. I don't know why, I guess I had a doldrum kind of day. I prepared for school and I realized how quickly one month of my life could just float on by and how quickly I regret not spending my time well. Tonight at lifegroup (which I was very excited to be at!) we all shared a significant event that happened to us over break. A lot of people talked about Haiti, this is when I had fits of jealousy asking God why I wasn't called to go and serve there, why I felt as though my winter break was a useless one.  I shared this blog as my one significant event, that it is changing the way I think and the way I see things and how I always end back to Him and how this has kind of made me realized that my thoughts tend to be God-centered, yet I think I'm just not listening or doing something with them. Anyway, someone shared how last semester they weren't being intentional with their time and I feel like that is probably why I felt like this today. So I guess my goal for the semester is to be more intentional with my time, for my time and thoughts to be more God focused. I guess we all have days like this, when the funk overwhelms the daily routine.

So, I guess I have two goals for the semester: Be intentional with my time, find something that I'm passionate about.

School starts for me in less than 10 hours so I must get some sleep, hopefully tomorrow I will wake up on the brighter side of the bed, and not feel so down. It's also interesting to me,  how quickly the people in my life noticed and cared for me as soon as I seemed abnormal to them. I'm so thankful that I have these loving and caring people in my life, I honestly cannot express the gratitude for their suggestions and listening that they offer. I guess, I'm not normally like this, so gloomy. I imagine if I was a cartoon I would have a rain cloud over my head right now.

I found out today, that I can't blog at work. I tried to get on blogger and it just wouldn't let me. Darn you blocked sites.

Here's to a better day :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Sixteeth

We're happy to be back! I'm trying to upload a video. I'm not sure if it works. We'll see. it's new and now you know how I talk.
I don't have much to say about today. Today at church we talked about money, which in church is kind of a taboo subject in churches. The pastor brought up a good point last week that over half of the parables that Jesus told had to do with money, but according to his statistics he only preached about it six percent of the time. It's so true though, they don't want to become the church that talks about money, but it is something we use and exchange every day and if we aren't wise with it, it really isn't pleasing to the Lord (considering it is His anyway).

I don't feel like talking about psalms today.
I was really excited about starting school a couple days ago and now I am dreading Tuesday. We'll see how it goes. I hope it isn't too demanding this semester, and I hope this video will finally upload. I wonder if I'm going anything wrong...

More to talk about. It's supposed to freeze rain tonight. I hope it doesn't. That is probably my least favorite weather condition, right next to when the tornado sirens are going off and I'm scared for my life that a tornado is going to come and uproot me.

If this video doesn't upload by the time I watch one episode of 30 rock, I'm going to give up on it and all my dedicated readers are going to have to use their imagination to figure out what the video really is.


update: 11:13pm video still not uploaded. I've given up.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Fifteenth

Grocery Shopping. I did that today. It's not really fun when it costs so much for so little. The article that is linked there shares some great ideas on how to save while you shop.

Ah, finally a win for KSU. The games was great. However, I wish our student section was a little classier. You know, I'm not a heckler or one for foul language, so that kind of tells you a little something about our student section. My roommates will be back tomorrow!! yayayayayayayayya :)

Onto Pslams 34. Verse 14: "Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." ah, so now to apply this to my life. Do good. Seek Peace. Sounds like Christians should be some kind of hippies. Haha, I think if I'm always pursuing Christ then my heart breaks when I see injustice, so therefore I want to change that and share the peace that He gives me. How can I do this every day? I watch the news and see the problems in the world, and to me, there is just so much to fix. I need to find something I can be passionate about and learn, help, and make it grow. I think that passion has to fall much deeper than K-State basketball or a new type of boots, obviously. So I'm going to search for a new passion that my heart can hurt over and that I can pursue peace and do good for it.

I've noticed every time I try to type good, I first type food and then I erase it and type goof. Ah, the human brain is so weird.

Sweet dreams.
Oops, I have photos!

Sweet doggie.

Some snow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Fourteenth

All my Haiti friends are home! I've missed them all so much. I can't wait for me and my roommates to be living together again and I can't wait for school to start so I can begin learning new things. Like I said before, I love new beginnings. I feel like that's what this is. I'm so excited.
Today I finished up some last things I needed to do before school started, mostly getting some notebooks and pencils, moving some of my stuff back to the apartment, chasing my dog around the neighborhood in my new boots (embarrassing), and buying one last lab manual. I feel like my body is preparing me for the semester by making me sleep a lot now so that I won't need as much when the semester gets into its full swing. I know that that is a ludicrous idea. Today I also went to and I looked at the past 7 days pictures, there are so many talented photographers out there. A lot of people seem to enjoy taking beautiful pictures and some over edit, but they turn out pretty good.

Psalm 33:20-21 "Our soul waits for the Lord he is out help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust his holy name." So I'm moving a long is Psalms finally... I mostly like this because I'm encouraged by the power of God. His strength is amazing. Also, the fact that it uses "our" and "we" also encourages me. It makes me see that I'm not alone, that I have a family of believers who are also encouraged by His strength and kind love.

bye-bye :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Thirteenth

My boots did arrive!

It's sad that this has turned into an every other day sort of thing when my goal from the beginning was to write everyday.

So here's some more thoughts: Why do you fail me, K-State basketball team?
I'm so ready for the team to find it's rhythm and start preforming up to their potential. I'm sure they are going to be dropped from the AP poll. Oh well. Jacob Pullen has declared that he won't play if the team has to go to the NIT. I agree, I don't want them to go to the NIT. I want them to make it to the big dance. But they are a team, and as apart of a team they take what they are given. I don't think it would be right for a starting senior to call it quits on his team just because they didn't make it the NCAA tournament. So here's my vow: If K-state goes to NIT, I will play for Jacob Pullen. Just kidding I think the NCAA regulation board would have a lot to say about that. Plus, I'd never make a shot or run fast enough, or know how to run a play. So there goes that idea.

Next, School. AHH, I'm so excited for school to start. This semester I'm taking Physical Chemistry, Microbiology, Speech, Intro to Women's Studies, and General Psychology. I'm thrilled that ever six months I get a new beginning. I love new beginning, meeting new people, learning new things, having a new schedule. I don't like that I already know that my last final will be on the last day of finals week, darn you micro!! I have all of my books now and now I need to get my supplies and then I'm ready for Spring 2011 semester.

ok. peace.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Eleventh

Ah, so my boots didn't arrive today, but FedEx tells me they are near!

Today I wanted to talked a little about my relationship with God. I've grown up in a Christian home, my parents were not really raised with an understanding of a relationship with christ, but as they parented and raised me they made sure I knew. Therefore, I've always known I was a child of God, made in His image and likeness. I've always loved church, not many Sundays that I wanted to stay home. I've always loved the church community that is always growing and continuing to love me and my brokenness, just like Christ does. At the age of ten I made it official and prayed Jesus into my heart, but felt no difference, no almighty power, but I did try a little harder thinking I had someone to please. Later on in high school I prayed him into my heart again. This time I think I understood it a little better, and I could truly see how sin can hurt and destroy many things. I learned that I wasn't supposed to be pleasing Christ, because why on earth would he design me and continue to make me and allow me to grow if he wasn't pleased with his creation when the whole idea of me started?

This time I made an effort, because at this age people really start deciding things for their life. I look back now and realize I turned to Him every time I needed help, made a decision, saw the vastness of His creation. My heart had really turned to Him and I really felt as though I was no longer OF the world, just living in the world.

My senior year of high school I really felt as though God was calling me away from Manhattan. I had no desire in my heart to go to KSU, so off to Chicago I went. He completely changed my heart there. He turned my naivety, and showed me the brokenness of the hearts and the world around me. He taught me to lean even more heavily on Him. He showed me so many answered prayers, that only He could manipulate to fulfill His desires. After that whirlwind of a semester, I came back home to KSU and quickly fell in love with my town all over again. The first semester was hard, because close to none of my friends decided to go to KSU after break and I was living at home. Luckly, I have found so many friends, yet, since I'm so comfortable here I feel like I have been giving my Creator much less time than he deserves. So I'm going to try and make this blog a little more God focused and little less me focused.

At the beginning of the school year I decided I would read one Psalm every day. Well, I should be long finished by now, but lazy ole me only made it to the 32 Psalm. So I just read it. It's crazy how one little book, The Bible speaks to every area of my life. This Pslam talks about forgiveness and how simply we ask and are granted the seventh verse reads "You are a hiding place for me; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with shouts of deliverance." the 10 verse reads, "Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts the Lord." I'm always in awe of His love. It is incredible how I can feel it every day, how I can't imagine my life without Christ in it.

In Him.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Tenth

Oh My LANTA! It's a good thing I haven't given out the URL to this blog because I'm kind of bad at writing every day like I was planning on. So instead of one thought, again I will give you two.

The first is this: Snow. We finally got some. I got to shovel it and listen to little kids play in it. I didn't play with them because all of my college age friends are not around and it would be weird to see a 21-year-old lady playing in the snow all by her lonesome. Anyway, it amazes me how Manhattanites drive in the snow. Well, I'm not sure you can really call it driving. I understand being cautious and all, but my goodness. I think it snowed over 6 inches here. It's so beautiful, I took some photos. I'll put them up in a couple days/weeks/months. Bobby says there's another winter storm hitting his area again. He lives in New Jersey and I think they have had like seven or eight snow storms. Poor guy.

The second is this: Boots/shipping. I bought some boots and I'm patiently waiting for them to come as I ordered them on the internet. For about a year and a half I've been searching for boots. I would always find the perfect pair, but they would be like 400 dollars as a full time student/part time receptionist that is not within my budget. So I finally found a pair for a fraction of the price and there were only two sizes left a 6 and a 9. There absolutely no way I can fit in a 9 and a 6 might be a little snug, but I thought I'd give it a try since it took me 18 months to find them. I'm waiting and waiting. I knew that if it did snow I wouldn't be getting them today. I'm hoping tomorrow they will arrive.

Uhg, sorry those are kind of dull topics. Because although I spent a majority of my day lounging around the house and shoveling snow, the last quarter of my day was so boring it made my brains turn almost to mush. So I'm outta here, probably going to watch some 30 rock because that's what I do on winter break.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Eighth

Ahg, I missed another day. No excuse this time, only the fact that I didn't feel like writing. Instead of doing anything productive, I just watched KSU play an awful games against Okie State and I wanted to scream, especially when a technical foul is called against JAMSAM. So since I missed yesterday I'm going to talk about two things.
The State of Wisconsin is my first. You may be asking yourself, "Why Wisconsin?". The answer is this, the other day my cousin and her fiance stopped by little Manhattan on their way to Stillwater, OK and they are both from Wisconsin. To learn more about the state I decided to use the trustworthy Wikipedia. Despite what many people say, I believe Wikipedia has really cleaned up it's act in the past couple of years and I had one Biology teachers that didn't mind when we used Wikipedia as a reference in our papers.

So Wisconsin. It is considered to be part of the midwest and has 4 boarder states, but intelligent people, like yourself, probably already knew that. Their state tax is only 5%, some counties have an additional 0.5% tax, but still that's nothing compared to the near 8% we pay here in Manhattan. The state of Wisconsin is second to California in the amount of milk and butter produced. Of course though, it leads the nation in the production of cheese. Which reminds me of their famous cheese heads that fans of the Green Bay Packers wear. Their state animal is the badger, which is also the mascot of the University of Wisconsin. Popular tourist sites include the Wisconsin Dells and festivals like Summerfest, which is said to be the world's largest music festival. Inhabitants of Wisconsin are referred to as Wisconsinites, I really like the ring to that. Let's not forget The Brewer's. This baseball team has had great players, like CiCi Sabathia, who, like many players who finally get noticed as being good, was traded to the Yankee's a couple seasons ago. 1982 was the last time they won the World Series, that's a better track record than my KC Royals. Anyway, I've always enjoyed my visits to Wisconsin, particularly the Madison area. In July I'll be heading up there to go to Luke and Meredith's Wedding. I'm pretty excited for that.

Okay, so my second thought is about grey hair. Grey hair happens due to a lack of pigmentation and melanin. In most cases this happens when people age, for me, it's a bit of a different story. I began getting grey hair at fourteen. It's slowly getting worse, lucky for me, I've got myself a pretty good hairdresser. They say if you get grey hair early you either have a thyroid problem or a vitamin B12 deficiency. Well, neither of those are true in my case, just a dad who started getting grey hairs around that same age. Good thing the stem cells in my hair follicles have decided to stay alive otherwise, I'd be balding as well! A whole industry is made for people like me who hate their grey hairs, so it's nice to say that I was able to give a couple people a job. That's all I really have to say about that.

Anyway. I'm kind of having an anywhere but here day. I want to move to a different state and do different things, but that is kind of hard when I'm in the middle of getting an undergraduate degree and all of the other obligations that I have here in my little town.

Oh Snow! It's going to, tonight, tomorrow AND Monday. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Sixth

It's not my fault!! I promise. Yesterday as I was going to tell all about my day/life, blogger just wasn't letting me write. So I skipped a day.

I just made 2 huge pancakes, they look so yummy.
Anyway, yesterday as I worked all day, pretty much, I realized that this blog is lame. So I'm going to try to figure out things that would spice it up. So today, I'm only going to talk about 1 thing; that is Twitter. It seems like lately everyone in my neck of the woods is getting one, and I really want one. Not because I want to tweet all the time, but solely so that I can follow my favorite celebs/musicians/k-state basketball players. However, I'm very hesitant. Why? Ah, because I already spend too much time in front of a screen. All the TV I watch comes from either Netflix or Hulu on my computer, my 20 some hours a week at work is done on a computer, I spend way too much time on facebook as it is, and I just started this blog. It doesn't seem like a bad idea right now, but I know as soon as school starts up again it might mean bad things.

well, that's a thought.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Fourth

I just spent an extraordinary amount of money on textbooks. I'm probably going to be spending more once school starts, yuck.
My parents are working on buying a new home, I'm excited for them. I'm going to be living with them next school year. Although it's not as much fun, it's going to save me thousands of dollars. Plus, I've turned into a much better roommate since I moved out in August. I hate that I feel like I'm burdening them for hospitality when I'm living with them. I'm currently living with them over the winter break. With both of my roommates out of town, creepy apartment complexes aren't my favorite thing.
This morning I ended, up not running. I'm okay with that. It was terribly cold outside, so maybe tomorrow I'll be more inspired for a run.
When I was getting ready for my day today, my ipod played this song called 'Devotion' by Hillsong United. Although, I never wanted to touch on the topic of song lyrics in this blog, I'm going to have to. This song is incredible. So here's a portion of it. Think of it as poetry:)

I've been running, trying to be one who sees
I've been working, this salvation out on my knees
There is nothing better than knowing
We are redeemed
I'm believing, trusting in creative hands,
I am praying for our world to bow to your plan
And this one thought is unmistakable
To take up my cross and follow You Lord

When You stand, the tall tress and mountains bow
When You speak, the fiercest of oceans is still
And I see the sinner seek devotion
The lost become chosen, and I fall to my knees

I'm forgiven by a Savior who did not deserve death
He was blameless and I was lost in shamefulness
Undelivered, but it doesn't seem right
Unless I keep my eyes focues on the Savior who gave His life
In the middle of a world that denies it believes
It is breaking apart at the very seams
There is one thing to be alive for
And it's to take up my cross and follow You Lord

I love it. It tears me up every time I listen to it.
Oh, so now, I think I'm going to post a picture.
These are from our craft get together. I didn't really do much, but the other two got very crafty

My sister Violet sleeping in my bed, the little stinker.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Third

So here it is another day. I'm watching K-State play a basketball game; they're winning. It's great.

Tomorrow my two roommates and a lot of my close friends leave for a missions trip to Haiti. I've been praying lots for their trip. They're going to do so much good there. I hope it's a great trip for them. The trip was organized by the campus ministry that I attend, Ichthus. I really love the people, the message and all of the activities that Ichthus does. I love that Ichthus focuses on personal relationships within the ministry and a personal, spiritually active, relationship with Christ. I have a feeling that Christ is going to protect them and touch them and the lives that they affect on this mission trip.

I went for a run this morning, it was 20 degrees, so I ran fast so I could warm up quick. Tomorrow I plan on running with two of my friends. I don't know why I run. I guess I'm concerned with my cholesterol, not so much weight. I started being interested in fitness when I entered middle school and couldn't run a mile in under 10 minutes. I was pretty embarrassed, so I tried to get in shape. I've gone in and out of shape for the last 8 years, but it was when I finally became less concerned about my weight that I began enjoying it far more. So we'll see if I've improved at all tomorrow.

later alligator.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Second

Kansas weather is so strange. Right now that La Nina weather cycle is really affecting us. This means that January has come and no large snow accumulation has came. It's so sad. Snow is apart of the season. I guess I think it's so sad since I spent most of my adolescent years in Alaska where snow never melted in the winter. So therefore, for me, no winter is complete without at least one substantial snowfall. So I guess this dry dry Kansas winter is here and all I can do is sip on my peppermint hot chocolate and hope that one day before April it will snow. I'll keep you updated on the snowfall totals when it actually happens.

Today I spent sometime with some of my Best Friends. They are both so artsy and used their skills to make paintings and postcards. I worked on an album that started to compile my 2010 year of pictures. It makes me so grateful to have friends who want to spend time with me. I'm thankful especially that we're all so different. I learn so much from being around those two girls that I wouldn't learn from anyone else, solely because we are different.

I have this awful habit that if I see someone I know in a store or public place I avoid them or pretend that I don't notice them just so I won't have to say anything to them. I guess that that is the introvert in me. So, I'm trying hard to break that habit and be as friendly as possible, even if it makes me look silly. Today at church, my habit was tested. During the 'meet and greet' portion I shook hands with someone who looked familiar to me, but I didn't acknowledge the familiarity. I was reminded of my awful habit and when the sermon was over I went back and talked to the person. Victory!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The First

To ring in the new year, I had this brilliant idea of trying to write full and complete thoughts for an entire year. If you know nothing about me, or aren't my facebook friend, in 2010 I took 365 pictures. One picture for every day. This year I want to write. As a biology major the only writing I really get to do is lab reports, and that can get old. I'm probably going to put pictures here too, you know, to spice things up. I think though, that this might be a spiritual journey too. I hear in sermons about how good it is to journal and reflect on what we read in the bible and hear on Sundays. However, I'm horrible at this. I'm an awful journaler. I think if I had an audience keeping my somewhat accountable, I would be much better at this. So, if you want to read of Jesus, his love, and his place in my life then this is probably going to be a very entertaining year for you and me. I hope mostly, that when January 1, 2012 comes I can look back at this and see how I've grown and matured.
I'm not really sure what I'll write about (other than Jesus). I mean, I'm a student, I work in an outpatient mental health facility, I have interesting friends, my family is incredibly hilarious. So if you are going to read every day, you're probably going to get to know me pretty well on a deeper level than I'm probably comfortable sharing with you. Enjoy.

here's to 2011.