Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Thirty Third

So I went back to school today. I was super excited! I don't like to sit around doing nothing for very long. Since one out of my two readers suggested I actually write my feminism post, I think I might do that right now.

I'm taking a Women's Studies class and it is really opening my eyes up to injustice and hatred that goes on toward women. However, a lot of what is said clashes with my traditional Christian views. No, I'm not a monster, I want women to have equal pay in the workplace as men, but there are other issues with which I am struggling. A term I have learned recently is patriarchy, where we have a society that is based around men and their leadership roles within the society. I think we live in one of these and I honestly think it's okay. In my ideas, I see men as being leaders and guiding women. It is not say that women don't have leadership qualities, because they totally do. I think though, that we were all designed for a role in life. Just like not everyone is called to be a doctor, and not everyone is called to be an electrician, not everyone is a man and not everyone is a woman. Because we have been given these different roles, we must follow them to make society to be at it's equilibrium. We wouldn't have heating and air conditioning if everyone was off at medical school. And we wouldn't have doctors if everyone was only taking cooking classes. I think one thing that a lot of feminists don't understand is that we have to embrace the role we were given in life. I think there should be women leaders, because they have different viewpoints than men do. But, I also think that this country should not be ran by entirely women because then we would be ignoring a man's view, and that is equally as important.

This brings me to what I read over the weekend as my assignment for my class. It was an article written by bell hooks (yes, all lowercase!) and in it she suggests that feminists are not truly feminists unless they are pro-choice. Her article was very aggressive, almost to the point that I was offended. I am not pro-choice. I'm completely pro-life. I think everyone should have an opportunity at life and I don't understand why feminists wouldn't want more women in the world to spread their ideas and fight for their rights. I don't understand why to be a feminist I must be okay with taking an innocent life away from someone who never even had a chance. I'm incredibly grateful that my mom chose life for me, otherwise, well otherwise I wouldn't have a blog or any thoughts to share about anything. My heart aches for the women that have seen abortion as their only resort. My heart aches for the lives lost in those operations. Mostly, my heart aches because this world thinks that taking a life away from a child should be a 'right'. Women are special, they were given the ability to carry a child. Half of the world doesn't have that gift. We were chosen by God to be women. We were chosen to love and nurture. Men were chosen by God to be different than that. They are to be providers and protectors. These roles are so essential to the make-up of our society and I think the world is completely missing the mark now-a-days.

Well, that's some of my thoughts. I have more, but they will have to wait. Let me know if you agree or disagree, I would love to learn from you all.

see ya'll.

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