Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Fiftieth

It feels so nice to have my big brother home. I missed him like crazy. I wish he could stay longer than he can, but I'm so thankful that he was able to come and visit in the first place. I had a great day today. Mostly because I have barely any homework, which was the exact opposite of last weekend. I bought a new pair of jeans and they are fabulous. I love a good pair of jeans and today I splurged on a pair, mostly because I have like 5 pairs of really worn-in/getting/has holes.

I'm going to eat chocolate because it is so yummy, and I'm going to get back to my running, probably next weekend.

We visited my parents new house today, and the basement which was unfinished last time I saw it, is almost completely done. It's awesome and I'm so happy for them. I'm also happy that there's a couple rooms that I can choose from to be my own next year. I love the colors that they have chosen so far, yellows and lights greens. So fresh and airy.

Day 2 of the 30 day challenge is a picture of the person you've been closest to for the longest time.

My Mom is probably my most favorite person in this world. Sometimes her honesty hurts, but I wouldn't have it any other way. If/when I have children of my own, I would only hope I could love them as much as she loves me and my brothers. She helps me find humor in almost all situations. She keeps me grounded and accountable. I'm so thankful for a mom like her. I can share my thoughts and feelings with her without being insecure about them. She is definitely the person I've been close with for the longest time. I mean, my entire life is pretty long in my perspective.

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