Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Thirty Ninth

Today has been a long and busy day. Working, school, meeting with friends, making food, and trudging through the snow. Yes, it snowed once more. However, in only 5 short days we are supposed to have a week of 50 degree temperatures. Beautiful.

I've lately been praying for focus. It's so weird, I think this is the very first semester I have noticed how unfocused I can be. It becomes very obvious in my P. Chem class, especially when you get awful grades on a quizzes. It might be the fact that it begins at 8:05 am and every Tuesday and Thursday for the past four weeks it has been almost unbearably cold. Ah. So I'm going to quit complaining.

Speaking of complaining. Today I was reading Psalms (ah, it's funny how me writing in this blog has made me really more motivated to read and think about the Bible) and 55:17 reads "Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice". So sometimes when I have this awful attitude and I'm kind of feeling bummed out on God and all I'm doing is complaining to him, he is listening. Although, if I were Him I would probably be at least a little annoyed.

Tomorrow I give my first speech in my public speaking. I'm not nervous, the only thing I'm nervous about is waking up late (because it is at 8:30am) and not being able to make up my speech. Yuck. I'm going to set two alarms, that way, I'll for sure make it there. I mean, granted we don't get a snow day tomorrow. Although, I doubt we will, since they are probably clearing off all the sidewalks as I type.

Another thing. Since the beginning of the school year me and a couple of my friends have made Sunday Night dinners for our entire campus ministry. It's a lot of fun, although, last semester it was super stressful. I think because it was new to us, we didn't know how to handle the money, or how much food to make, or who to expect would actually come. Money was another issue all together. A couple leaders ended up paying most of the time, because we would ask students to bring money and few would. This semester something great happened, we got parents to fund our dinners and today we figured out they are completely funded!! It's such a weight lifted off of my shoulders, to think that I don't have to worry about money and we can provide a neat ministry to our friends.

P.S. Lifegroups with Ichthus are amazing. The vulnerability that we have is great and the love that is there is so beautiful. Every Monday night my heart grows and learns to new capacities that I didn't even know that I was missing. Well that whole entry was a little scattered, much like my thoughts. This all was probably going through my head as my P. Chem professor was speaking this morning, which is why I need much much more focus.

that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck giving a speech in front of your peers! You'll do great, and I'm sure it'll be an interesting one to listen to--as I'm now copying your 2010 New Year's resolution!
