Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Eighty Eighth

Ah, so unmotivated for school.

Anyway, My little silver tooth fell out on Monday, and it's loose again right now. Yuck, I dislike dental work greatly. In 10 days, though, I will have my nice permanent-not-going-anywhere tooth.
I've been trying to study and be diligent with my school work for the past couple of days, but it's not really working and I keep forgetting small things I have to do.

Oh, and my jury duty got cancelled! I was so sad. But, I got to talk to the coordinator and I cleared up some dates so that she won't have to call me in when I'm not available. My name goes back in the lottery since I didn't attend, so that means at any time I could get called again.

Anyway, I'm reading through 2nd Chronicles and it's basically a repeat of Solomon's story in Kings, but I think it drives home a lot of the importance of trusting, worship, loving.
So I don't have anything else to say.

1 comment:

  1. Canceled?! I wonder why. That stinks, because you were so excited..
    Yay for a more permanent tooth, and being able to chew gum.
