Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Eighty First

Ah,  Spring break is so great. I haven't opened a text book, looked at any class notes, or read anything relating to school for 5 whole days now. It's glorious.

Today I spent the morning in the dentist's office. Dr. Smith replaced a crown of mine with a temporary one until the permanent one comes in. It didn't hurt mostly because she shot me with lots of the numbing stuff. However, I image in about 3 hours it will hurt because they spent a lot of time grinding and sawing and cutting things in my mouth. Kind of gross, but still, modern medicine is pretty cool because if they had to do that 50 years ago, I think they would have just pulled the tooth out and called it good.

So moving is no fun, it's very tiring. It's nice that almost everything is being put in it's place and the new furniture is coming soon and I got to sleep in a real bed last night. We haven't had wireless internet so I have been spending much less time watching TV and being on the internet, it's so nice. The internet is a very handy tool and can be lots of fun. But having to pull away from it and do other things sometimes makes it much less appealing.

I finished up 2 Kings last night. I finally researched why in the bible all these kings 'tear their clothes' every time something terrible happens. I guess it's just a symbol that bad things/disaster/pestilence/death is happening. So strange. Lots of kings were tearing their clothes!

Oh, so I'm reading A million miles in a thousand years by Donald Miller. It's so good. It talks about how we all should live a beautiful story, but we will find no resolution here on earth. Our resolution is in heaven. It's a great book and it really got me thinking about how I live my life. I've read most of this book while waiting for the clients to leave at work and I realize that that is what my life has become; work. School is work and work is work. But Don also says that our journey is not supposed to be easy, there are supposed to be conflicts, because what good story doesn't have either of those? He keeps saying that his great story began when he turned off the TV. I realize now that he is saying that we all love to live vicariously through the characters that are on TV and the more time we live through them, the less time we spend living our own lives. So great, Don Miller is an awesome author.

I think I need to take some tylenol or a nap after that dentist's appointment.
Happy Spring!

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