Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Seventy First

Oh, wow, like four days without writing.

It's crazy how quickly life can get so busy. This happens by adding to your commitments, being more devoted to said commitments, and moving.
Moving. So finally it has arrived, my parents are moving out of the house they have lived in for 10 years, that's like almost half their marriage, people. This is also the house I lived in while I went to middle school,  high school, and little bit of college. I'm sad to see it go, but so excited for their new home. Not only will they have a new home, but a new puppy. Violet is going to have a friend! Little Daisy will be joining our family next Friday, right after they are officially moved into their new house.

I have 3 exams, 2 quizzes, and 1 speech to give this coming week. I spent most of today studying, or thinking about studying. I have discovered that I cannot study at Panera, I end up people watching or wanting to waltz to their beautiful classical music.

I have also discovered that if you read the old testament in consecutive order it is much more easier to understand the lineages and the stories that are going on. It's amazing how, when I see the order that is given in the bible I am much more inclined to read it. I've never really sat down and read and tried to understand the old testament, but it really holds a lot of value. I mean there is a whole religion that ONLY studies that portion of the bible. I think they kind of missed the mark on the messiah, I mean what are they waiting around for, He came, He went, and we're waiting for Him to come back again! Ok, enough of that.

It was fake patty's day here in Manhattan today. I absolutely hate this day. It was a 'holiday' made up by Manhattan area bars so that they can make money from students before they go home for spring break, so they can all celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I guess, celebrating St. Patrick's day means just getting drunk, because that is all these Manhattanites do on this day. I don't like it. I don't. I don't know what it's like to actually celebrate St. Patrick's day, the Irish way that is.

ok. see ya'll

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