Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Eighty Second

Today has been interesting. I haven't slept in all morning, I haven't really rested this spring break and my little cold that I have has decided that it is happy staying where it's at. So I took a load of cough meds just a couple minutes ago so we'll see if it takes care of anything.

My tooth actually did not end up hurting, just unnatural. I'm scared to chew on that side of the mouth because the dentist told me that the temporary crown can fall out. No chewing gum for me in the next couple of weeks, which really sucks if I have a halitosis kind of day.

Ok, a couple of things. We have internet at the Bennett house, so I'll be watching scrubs in like 3 minutes.

1st, God is so interesting and mind-boggling. I've been doing so well in my reading the bible in a year thing and today I was blessed with something beautiful. While not having internet this morning, I opened up a Podcast by Mark Driscoll, who is probably my favorite pastor to listen to. I just finished 1 and 2 Kings, which is like a huge accomplishment for me because generally I can't stick with these things. Pastor Mark is doing a series in Luke and I'm really behind, but the sermon I listened to he talked about how Jesus is a prophet, and I said in my mind, "Oh, like Elijah and Elisha!" and sure enough, Mark pulled one story out of 1st Kings and another out of 2nd Kings and I was so excited! Out of all the sermons I could have picked I picked the one that Mark talks about all the great things I just read about and I got to digest and know them even further than I had before. It's so beautiful.

2nd, Ever since reading A Million Miles in A Thousand Years I keep thinking about the story I live. Over winter break I was thinking I really had no story, that there was meaning in life but I was not living a meaningful life. I've come to realize this week, that as other people are out doing wonderful things I'm usually in Manhattan doing stuff here and I was pretty unhappy with that. But, I'm not anymore. I've realized that I can serve so many people here and love so many people here, that here may be just where I'm supposed to be. Knowing that has made me happier, it has made me much more joyful in what I do, whether it be making an appointment at work with a better attitude or doing laundry for my mom because I know she is going to be super busy when she gets home from work, without moaning and groaning about it. It's easy to say, oh this is so wonderful, but it really sucks when you do all these kind things with such a great attitude and someone comes along and looks beyond those great things and immediately tells you what you did wrong.
I wish I could say that I thought nothing of it, that I figured it was the place that that person's heart was in, but I can't say that. I was so deeply offended. This little experience makes me see that I will never really find what I'm looking for in this earth and the heart's of the people on this earth, only in heaven is where I'll find that I'll be completely satisfied, where I won't have those downers come along and disrupt my joyfulness. Ok enough of that! I guess work in progress really does mean something. I'm praying that the next time something like that does happen I'll have a much better reaction to it.

Tomorrow, I'm getting out of town and I'm pretty excited about it. My cough medicine is helping, hip hip hooray!

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