Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Seventy Seventh

Another happy moving day, much much more progress was made. It's amazing that the movers packed up the entire (well, mostly the entire) house in like a day and a half. It is now our like 3rd or 4th day unpacking, and there is still so much more to go.

We ended up not getting the puppy, Daisy. I'm fine with it. Puppies are hard work and it would be so inconvenient to have a brand new puppy while we were trying to unpack everything. Plus, one dog is enough. Violet already brings us lots of joy, so we should be satisfied with that (and I am).

Oh yeah, on April 5 I get to go to Jury duty! I'm so excited. Ever since I turned eighteen, I was so excited to vote that I never miss the opportunity and I was so excited that I was now able and qualified to serve on a jury. If I get selected to be on the jury then it is estimated to take 3 days, yes, three whole days of excused absences from school! However, I kind of like going to school because that way I don't miss out on anything. If I don't get selected, I will be kind of bummed because I'm kind of looking forward to it. I love that being american means that you get to serve your country and you get to let your voice be heard. Even if it is only one little case at the Riley County Courthouse, or a minute long phone call to your senator, it is all in the beauty of being american. However, being an american also means that people have the right to disagree with you.

I'm kind of trying to get rid of a cold or the allergies that I have acquired since I pretty much fainted while watching the first round of the NCAA tourney. I'll give you my symptoms. Runny nose, watery eyes, scratchy throat, sneezing and now coughing. I had a fever a little too. Is that a cold or is it allergies? I mean the seasons are changing, I just can't tell the difference.


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