Sunday, April 17, 2011

The weekend

Aw, so I'm exhausted. It seems like once or twice a semester (outside of finals week) all of my tests fall in the same week. This is good for 1 reason: I actually get to celebrate Easter (my 2nd favorite holiday). This is bad for a multitude of other reasons, too much work is the main one.
I'm trying to remain calm, not thinking about how overwhelmed I actually am.

I think after tomorrow I'll be a little better, that knocks 3 of the 5 off of my plate.
I'm trying to think of something wacky to put on a black t-shirt that I wear to a blacklight party. I'm pretty excited for it.

The past week my life has been a series of to-do lists. I love those, keeps me so focused to get everything done.
Also, I'm learning so much about self-control. Mostly, I really want to go see my brother in Jersey this summer, but I don't want to have to ask my mom and dad for any support. So by saying 'no' to a couple of things I don't necessarily need, but pretty much want, has really taught me to see great goals beyond the immediate moment.

This has once again, not been a very coherent entry, but then again I feel like my brain is fried, and there is still so much to do. bye

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