Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ten days since last time

Hello again.

I got out of class at 10:45am today and since I've had no pressing homework/school work issues to take care of I've basically been recuperating from last weekend, organizing, reading, a nice quiet cool afternoon.

My CNA class is almost over! and I've already applied at one doctor's office. I want a job, like pronto. I hate not working (although, this afternoon sure has been nice). My first night "on the courts" as they call it at the long term care facility that I have my clinicals at was not anything I was impressed with. The CNA and CMA were dramatic, didn't like their jobs, didn't like the act of service, didn't take good care of their residents. It made me really sad and kind of sickened with the thought that one day (a long long time from now) I could be one of those residents with crazy twenty year old girls taking "care" of me. I was really shocked by the experience.
Last night I had another clinical and I went in with the mentality of let's just get this over with. The first hour and a half we talked as a class. Then I was with another CNA on a different court. This CNA was like a gazillion times better than the other one. She was kind and loving towards her residents and she didn't mind teaching me things. The residents loved her and she really did have an attitude of service. I was grateful for her.
The difference between these two CNAs, I think, was where their lives were taking them. The first one was going to school to become a history teacher and had gotten her CNA in high school because her mom made her. The other one is a pre-nursing student and she really had a completely different attitude. It was like a completely different experience. Just makes me see how the people I work with really determine the mood and atmosphere of a place.

Last weekend was the Ichthus women's retreat. This is why I'm recovering in the middle of the week from the weekend. We stayed up late, woke up early and had so much spiritual talk that my head, heart, and soul were full and tired. I wouldn't say that this weekend was a "spiritual high" for me. Although, I would say that I can say that comparing my heart from this women's retreat to the one I went to two years ago, I would say that I have matured so much and God has done a lot of good work in my life. We talked about conflict management, and that was one thing I think I could really use some work on. I want my mind and thoughts to so badly glorify the Lord and sometimes (most times) that doesn't happen. It was great to learn how our speaker dealt with the conflict in her life. I was amazed by the power of prayer and God's voice. I realized I need to spend more time talking and listening to God and less time feeding myself mindless time-consuming crap. I also began to see how I am part of the older ichthus crowd now. While, there were a lot of girls around my age there I was on the extremities of old age!! That feels so weird. It's nice to know that I will be graduating soon and I get to enter a new phase in my life and I've already gotten to learn some of the things that the younger girls there are just now learning. I guess age does have some benefit... haha.

Well there's a small update y'all.

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