Monday, February 6, 2012

Some Ecological Maxims

Today I had one class, Ecology. This is the class that I continually fall asleep in, I find no interest in it. Since I am a Biology major, I have to have a well rounded view of biology (ksu thinks so, at least) so that is why I have to take ecology. So one the very first day of class we talked about some ecological maxims and I thought they were very interesting.

1.You can never do just one thing.
2. Everything goes somewhere.
3. No population can increase forever
4. There is no free lunch.
5. Evolution matters.
6. Time Matters.
7. Space Matters.
8. Life would be impossible without species interactions.

While most scientists would not look at this list and say, "Wow, that's super spiritual!", this scientist is saying just that. Here's my explanation

1. You can never do one thing- everything I do has a cause an effect action. If I try to live like Jesus, this cause and effect reaction will do more of His work on earth.
2. Everything goes somewhere- hello heaven and hell
3.No population can increase forever- The vision of Revelations will be fulfilled and Jesus is coming back!!
4.There is no free lunch- Everything costs something. My life and salvation was at the cost of Jesus dying on the cross.
5. Evolution matters- Humans are changing; life is changing.
6.Time Matters- Jesus took every opportunity he had to learn, teach, heal and love. I want to do exactly the same.
7. Space Matters- I'm not sure I can quite relate this one right now.
8. Life would be impossible without species interactions- there are animals on earth for our enjoyment, there are plants on earth that fill our bellies all of which were created by God to serve a human purpose.

Well I wanted this to be deeper but I only gave myself 5 minutes to write that. So that wasn't too smart. what I found amazing is that even scientists think that the human population will eventually decline. yes. it. will.

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