Sunday, January 15, 2012

2012 so far

Well friends, school starts Tuesday and, as usual, I'm very excited. I love new starts, new teachers, new material. I'm ready for 12 credit hours (a real 12 credit hours, not a semester with Human body 12 credit hours). I feel rejuvenated, refreshed, relaxed, and quite joyful.

Friday was my last day at Pawnee. I was so blessed, everyone stopped by and wished me good luck and success. My immediate co-workers bought me beautiful tulips, balloons, and a delicious cupcake. It was hard to leave after I realized how many people seemed to like me there. I guess I didn't know it. I guess I didn't think I was a super integral part in that company. I came home with my heart overflowing, but saddened. It felt empty. I no longer have that commitment, I no longer have "co-workers". I'm so so happy to be moving into a new phase, past the receptionist job, but I'm sad to leave it. Who knows, maybe after I become a certified PA I could end back up at Pawnee. How strange, working with the support staff for 2.5 years, and 4 years later working with the med staff. I've reflected a lot this weekend on how I've changed and how Pawnee has changed me since I started there. I know God wanted me there, otherwise I would not have stuck around for so long. Treating needy people with love was all I could really do to help there. I wasn't that important, I wasn't always in my cheerful mood, but I know God used me there. I can't wait to see where I end up next.

I started my CNA class last monday. It's not too difficult at all, at least not the book work. Monday I'll begin clinicals. I'm nervous for those, but I've been nervous for things before and they always turn out alright.

I'm very excited because I've finally made enough money to pay off my car! I'm so excited to be lessen the burden of loans. If I had a choice, I wouldn't take out loans. I'm very grateful that God has given me the ability to be a good steward with my/his money and always always responsible of it.

So I finished reading Revelation, and now I'm listening to Pastor Mark Driscoll's sermon series on it and it is so eye opening and so refreshing. I love his straight, to the point, convicting way of speaking. Let's just say, he is not afraid of calling people out in a Godly, rebuking, way. He's a great speaker and teacher.

That's all I really have to say.
BYE now.

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