Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

YES! So excited to have a break. My school is calling this student holiday, but really, it's Thanksgiving break. Because if Thanksgiving wasn't on this week, I think our "Student Holiday" would have been in the middle of the semester, not the end of the semester.

So, last night I discussed quitting my job with my parents. and they agreed! So, I'll be putting in my two weeks notice January 1 (or 2). Holla. (I'm not going to grumble and complain about what happened on Friday because in 8 weeks it won't matter)

The other night at work one of my clients told me that her ex-husband shot Senator Kathleen Giffords and it was a government cover-up and that the guy they arrested for it, wasn't really the guy that shot her. Then she looked at me and said "You don't believe me, do you?" and in my head I'm thinking "Uh.. Heck no." and what I said was "Hmm, I don't know, I'll have to look that up" and she said "You can do all the looking you want, but you're not going to find anything."
... Community Mental Health.

But I don't know, I honestly don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Oh, to be a conspiracy theorist.

I was just getting ready to do my laundry when my roommates (MOM) started theirs. Good thing it's supposed to be 70 today, I can wear clean capris and not dirty jeans.

I promised that I was going to finish my things that I don't understand list, but I've come to realize there's a lot of things I don't understand... so I won't bore anyone with that.

I thought that I was using too many "..." in this blog post, but I've only used it twice, so I'm good, I think.

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