Friday, November 18, 2011


I guess there are somethings I'll never understand, which is what I got from a lyric that we sang to at Ichthus last night. It's also a verse that I've read so many times before from Proverbs: Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding.

So I started thinking of things that I didn't understand, not troubling myself over it, but just thinking about it.
1. Why everyone's bodies seem to function extremely effeciently even though we're all full of anomalies.
2. Why people don't flush the toilet after using a public restroom
3. Why I try to understand everything.
4. Why my parents are relativly normal after coming from childhoods that sucked
5. Why I love my dog so much
6. Why I feel sorry for a car after making it drive long distances (it's a MACHINE, not a human, Brooke!)
7. Motivation
8. Why the prefrontal cortex doesn't stop developing until around the age of 25

I have more, I promise I will elaborate further...later. Now I have to go to one class, lunch, then work for 3.5 hours then it's a week off for me. I can't wait to relax this weekend! (yes, I'm learning to relax...that I can't I understand either)

Bye :)

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