Thursday, November 3, 2011

Post 2 for the day

Ok. So I'm dramatic or emotional or a girl, whatever you call it.
Yes, I'm a little freaked out about how God is moving in my life, but I'm realizing within the past few hours that He knows me better than I know me. He knows what my heart desires without me telling Him. He loves me more than I can understand, so why would He not give me what I need?
I think once December hits I'm going to need a month off of school. So I think I will try to take that class once January comes, work it out with the new semester, whatever.

My problems are: I'm always trying to rush rush rush to get to this end goal. I always think I know what's best for me. I don't listen to other's advice ever, I'm always so skeptical. I don't enjoy taking breaks because I see a long to-do list that needs to be conquered. I don't know how to relax. I have control issues (if that wasn't obvious before!!)

There... I guess I'm psychotic. No, not really. Just anxious, scared, nervous as to where God is taking me. I think He might be getting a kick out of my reactions to His work.

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