Monday, November 21, 2011


Ah! So my favorite holiday is upon on us! Thanksgiving!!! I love thanksgiving, I think we should celebrate it once a month. I think we should remind ourselves of how blessed we are much much much more than once a year. I think the people that may (or may not) read this probably do think about the things they should be grateful for much more than once a year.
I think thanksgiving is so fun for several reasons:
1. I make almost all of the huge dinner.
2. I pick out recipes that I've never made before (thanks Food Network!)
3. I love my family, so a day with no other obligations except hanging out with each other is so wonderful in my mind
4. There's usually a four day weekend tied to it!
5. Not the whole stealing land from Indians thing. I was so shocked when I learned about that in High School, yes they waited until high school to tell us that here.
6. EAT
7. Reflecting on things that I'm blessed with

So that's a nice segue into my annual list of things that I'm so very very grateful for, things that I couldn't imagine life with out and the things that don't seem all that important until the day that they're gone. So here goes nothin'! (these are in so specific order)

1. Sweet and Sassy Moms and goofy/super serious Dads (yes, that's both my parents in a nutshell)
2. Freedom in my country and from sin
3. Warm breezy summer days and crisp winter mornings
4. Kansas Sunsets that always take my breath away
5. Sister/Dog- Violet
6. Communication
7. Jesus
9. My bed (where I probably spend way too much time)
10. Home
11. Brothers
12. Electricity (especially for my space heater)
13. The mysteries of this world
14. My 5 senses
15. Professors who enjoy teaching over research
16. Long sleeve t-shirts
17. Friends, who are so much better to me than I am to them
18. New Family Members (and DNA tests too.)
19. Love
20. Socks
21. The Steve Miller Band (especially when I don't feel like dancing to PitBull)
22. Chocolate milk
23. Cameras
24. Lady Bugs
25. Wild Flowers near Gothic, CO

I think this was the first post in a while, where I didn't write in a moment of crisis. I guess things are calming down.

OH! I gave up road rage. I mean I wasn't like a crazy, cussin', flippin-offin' kind of road rager, but I was definitely causing myself a lot of anger and tension in my driving. Since then, I've still struggled with my "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? WHY AREN'T YOU DRIVING THE SPEED LIMIT? WHERE IS YOUR SIGNAL? WHY DID YOU PULL OUT IN FRONT OF ME THEN PROCEED TO DRIVE TEN UNDER?" moments, but I've definitely gotten a lot better. Driving is much more relaxed now. I thank Jesus for making me see the unnecessary anger in my life. What a gift.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

YES! So excited to have a break. My school is calling this student holiday, but really, it's Thanksgiving break. Because if Thanksgiving wasn't on this week, I think our "Student Holiday" would have been in the middle of the semester, not the end of the semester.

So, last night I discussed quitting my job with my parents. and they agreed! So, I'll be putting in my two weeks notice January 1 (or 2). Holla. (I'm not going to grumble and complain about what happened on Friday because in 8 weeks it won't matter)

The other night at work one of my clients told me that her ex-husband shot Senator Kathleen Giffords and it was a government cover-up and that the guy they arrested for it, wasn't really the guy that shot her. Then she looked at me and said "You don't believe me, do you?" and in my head I'm thinking "Uh.. Heck no." and what I said was "Hmm, I don't know, I'll have to look that up" and she said "You can do all the looking you want, but you're not going to find anything."
... Community Mental Health.

But I don't know, I honestly don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Oh, to be a conspiracy theorist.

I was just getting ready to do my laundry when my roommates (MOM) started theirs. Good thing it's supposed to be 70 today, I can wear clean capris and not dirty jeans.

I promised that I was going to finish my things that I don't understand list, but I've come to realize there's a lot of things I don't understand... so I won't bore anyone with that.

I thought that I was using too many "..." in this blog post, but I've only used it twice, so I'm good, I think.

Friday, November 18, 2011


I guess there are somethings I'll never understand, which is what I got from a lyric that we sang to at Ichthus last night. It's also a verse that I've read so many times before from Proverbs: Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding.

So I started thinking of things that I didn't understand, not troubling myself over it, but just thinking about it.
1. Why everyone's bodies seem to function extremely effeciently even though we're all full of anomalies.
2. Why people don't flush the toilet after using a public restroom
3. Why I try to understand everything.
4. Why my parents are relativly normal after coming from childhoods that sucked
5. Why I love my dog so much
6. Why I feel sorry for a car after making it drive long distances (it's a MACHINE, not a human, Brooke!)
7. Motivation
8. Why the prefrontal cortex doesn't stop developing until around the age of 25

I have more, I promise I will elaborate further...later. Now I have to go to one class, lunch, then work for 3.5 hours then it's a week off for me. I can't wait to relax this weekend! (yes, I'm learning to relax...that I can't I understand either)

Bye :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Post 2 for the day

Ok. So I'm dramatic or emotional or a girl, whatever you call it.
Yes, I'm a little freaked out about how God is moving in my life, but I'm realizing within the past few hours that He knows me better than I know me. He knows what my heart desires without me telling Him. He loves me more than I can understand, so why would He not give me what I need?
I think once December hits I'm going to need a month off of school. So I think I will try to take that class once January comes, work it out with the new semester, whatever.

My problems are: I'm always trying to rush rush rush to get to this end goal. I always think I know what's best for me. I don't listen to other's advice ever, I'm always so skeptical. I don't enjoy taking breaks because I see a long to-do list that needs to be conquered. I don't know how to relax. I have control issues (if that wasn't obvious before!!)

There... I guess I'm psychotic. No, not really. Just anxious, scared, nervous as to where God is taking me. I think He might be getting a kick out of my reactions to His work.


Well I'm currently listening to my Steve Miller Band Pandora radio station to try and calm/relax myself.
I'm at a loss.

So update from last post. I had an interview for that job. After thinking about it, I decided it was not something I could commit to, so I called them and told them I was no longer interested.
No problem, because I have that CNA class to take during winter break, right??? NO!
Yesterday I got an e-mail saying they cancelled it. I can take the class in November (UM no, human body is currently overwhelming my brain and time to take an additional class) or I could take it in January, but they don't have the dates of the class set up. January is a potential, but I was kind of just thrown a huge curve ball. Because once again, my plan A and plan B both failed and I don't have a plan C! YIKES.
So I called around today for CNA classes near to me during December, but no luck. So I think during Thanksgiving break I might apply to volunteer at meadowlark, because I'm still desperately trying to get patient contact hours. All this junk is just so I can go to PA school.

I'm trying to figure out why God keeps saying no or not right now to this CNA class. I don't get it. and I hate to say it, but I'm starting to get angry and frustrated. Maybe I'm not supposed to make Plan A and Plan B (and now Plan C). But I have to. Especially trying to get into extremely competitive schools. Am I not supposed to go to PA school? That's my biggest fear, because I really want to, but now I'm second guessing as to what my "calling" is. And... There's really no plan B after I graduate, which for me is even scarier.

I turned 22 on Tuesday. I feel like an old geezer.

On a brighter note: Bobby came home yesterday! He'll be visiting for 2 weeks, and we're celebrating my b-day with the whole family tomorrow and I'm very excited!
On another brighter note: My optometrists office was able to exchange my contacts without charge so now I can see for the next 6 months.

So back to studying. Pray for me. For real, I seriously need it. I'm super insecure, unsure, shocked right now. The future is so scary, and it's especially scary when for the past 4 years you've had one goal in mind and it's kind of slowly breaking down.