Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Days

So I'm sitting next to my Violet doggie, pillows around me. I've realized one thing these past couple of days. Healing is humbling. It's amazing how dependent I have become of those around me, just to heal. I don't like healing because it requires rest and after about a day of rest, I'm tired of resting. I don't like healing because it is the one instance in my life where I can't do things for myself like I enjoy doing. I don't like healing because when you're on medication it makes it terribly hard to concentrate on reading, so I've gotten none of that done. In fact, I'm two days behind on my read the bible in the year book. I do like healing because I see that people truly care for me. I do like healing because it makes me slow down. I do like healing because it is easy to see progress where it has been made. This is not only a physical type of healing, but a spiritual as well.  I think that may be all I have to say.

This is Violet when she was about 6 months old. So precious. Who knew that she would still be that way when she got older. She's a great little doggie.


  1. Ah, wonderful. There is so much to learn with healing. I wish you a rejuvinating recovering. This is a super cute picture of Violet, especially with that leaflet in the corner.
