Sunday, May 15, 2011


So. It's over. Five finals and many hours of studying and a mild mental breakdown and I'm done.
Today I got to celebrate Mother's day. I think my mom appreciated that I still wanted to celebrate it, even though I was a week late. I took my mom out to Longhorn's steak house, my dad tagged a long too, but he had to buy his own meal because that place is a little high class for this part-time worker's wallet. It took us a while to get our food, which is was fine with me because we got to chat with each other and there was no pressure of trying to get home quick because of loads of school work to get done.
So I'm on a much needed break. I'm still unsure what exactly I'm doing this summer. I hope to shadow some PAs and maybe volunteer in a nursing home or at Mercy Regional Hospital.
The first two days of summer have been strange. I was able to catch up on TV I missed and some sleep I missed. However, it was only like 52 degrees outside. Unseasonably cold for May in Kansas. But let's not forget the 90 degrees the week before, unseasonably warm for May in Kansas. That's what I like, surprises. I wouldn't be shocked if it was either 90 degrees tomorrow or if I saw snowflakes falling from the sky. So unpredictable.
I'm in the process of moving back home into my parent's house. So far, so good. I've enjoyed being in their caring and loving company. I'm thrilled to save money, it's too expensive to go to school and live away from home, especially if your parents live in the same town you do. It's especially hard when you pay for everything, I mean everything, out of your own pocket. Luckily, they are always willing to help out if I need it, because they are great. It's usually my problem of not asking for help because I want to be able to be completely independent of them. Anyway. I'm going to enjoy summer. I'm going to enjoy some time off in the company of my friends and family, and I'm not going to fill guilty about it.


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