Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Library pt. 2

So I'm back here again, the library. To be honest the last blog post wasn't very long because I seriously had to use the bathroom, yes I just said that.
School is going well, I think I've finally learned how to buckle down and truly study. Also, I'm taking classes that I can actually do well in. However, if I don't get working on my abnormal psych research paper soon I'm going to be in some serious trouble. I just got done taking an abnormal psych test and how is it that, being at the 505 level, was it easier than my gen psych tests (at the 110 level)? I would say because gen psych was taught by an eager grad. student, and not by a tenured professor.

Yesterday I finished reading Matthew. Now, I'm onto Mark. In my new ESV study bible I've decided not to write or underline anything in the Bible, I'll leave that to my other one. I'm doing this because in my other bible anytime anything is underlined, my eye drifts right to that verse or passage, ignoring all the others. I think it would be cool to open up the bible and have a different part speak to me in a different way each time.

I've been trying to get onto KSOL for the past 30 minutes. I think it's broken.

Also, I have some friends who are trying to get me to get a twitter account so all this past week I've been thinking of things that I would tweet. This morning I thought of this "Is there a yacht club at KSU? #fratty" seriously... A lot of guys on campus look like they're about to hop on a boat and soak in the sun...but we're in the middle of the country, there is a lake near-by, but I don't think that counts.

I'm listening to my favorite kind of music right now. I haven't been able to listen to music much lately just because I've been studying so much and I can't study and listen to music at the same time. Nat King Cole is serenading me right now, before it was Ella Fitzgerald. I feel so classy.

I know this post is all over the place, like most of my posts. Which is probably because I have ADD tendencies, but I won't ever get medicated for it...

My last random thought: Bluestem Bistro. I went there last night, it's quite the happenin' place in Manhattan. After some analysis I've decided their mark up is huge. I bought an 8 oz. glass of chocolate milk for $1.60. I thought about it and realized I can go to Dillons and get a half a gallon for $1.50. I could make like 8 chocolate milks with that half gallon. I guess I pay an extra $1.20 for atmosphere? That doesn't seem right.

bye now.

Look! It's New Zealand!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about looking fratty with my (borrowed) backwards hat last night. I won't let it happen again. I hope you don't think of me differently..
