Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fall semester

So school is back on and I'm once again trying to find a routine that works. I already feel overwhelmed with the amount of time that I devote to different sort of things.
We began Human Body lectures today, I feel like it will get much more interesting as the semester moves along. Also, I started my abnormal psych class today. My teacher says "I'm not a powerpoint guy." My question is, how can you teach at the collegiate level and not be a powerpoint guy!?! I guess I'll survive.
Needless to say, I've already began studying and I hope I don't loose any momentum.

Today I decided that since Violet is a Mini-Schnauzer, that she must have german heritage, so I've been talking to her in german all day. Although, I only know like 3 phrases, so whenever she leaves a room I say Auf wiedersehen!! Yes, I had to look up how to spell that.

I was going to add a picture of ksu campus, but it's not working. I think I'm going to read a bit and then get to bed, because 6:30am comes so very early!

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