Friday, February 17, 2012

Trust and Love

I love spending time looking at flickr. It's so funny how we love beauty. Well, it's not really, but it is so interesting that we seek beauty and find pleasure in being in beauty. I believe this picture was taken in Brazil. How neat to be able to travel the planet and stare into creation somewhere but here. Knowing that there is so much more beauty out there than just beautiful Kansas and beautiful America makes me want to see it all.

As far as looking for a job goes I have really left it up in the hands of God. I'm not one to do this, I love control and instant gratification so this is a little scary for me. I know that I'm a small part in His big plan, that He has better ideas for me than I have for myself. I have proof. Monday I received a call from Mercy wanting to know if I wanted to volunteer on the oncology floor. They only offered me times that I didn't have class. I had forgotten that in August I told them to give me a call if they ever had something come open. Yes August was when I said that. They didn't call last semester while I was taking human body and overwhelmed by it. They didn't call during winter break when I was taking a much much needed rest for 4 weeks. They didn't call in January when I was taking my CNA class and didn't really have time. They called right when I needed them to call. I know getting into PA school is in God's hands anyway, so getting a job, which would be supplemental to me getting in, is also in His hands. Seriously, who would love me that much?!?

Valentine's Day was great. I got to spend it with great friends and played games celebrating the fact that although we are all single we still have the greatest love of all, Jesus. I love that Valentine's day is a day to recognize the love in your life. I realize people use it to spoil their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, but really reflecting on true love made me see how lucky I am to know God.

My heart and mind have been recently really challenged with the way I live. I remember Jan. 1 saying that this year was going to be a different year and I knew that God is working something big. He is. My idea of living/loving/giving is totally evolving and I'm becoming uncomfortable with my currently comfortable lifestyle. I don't know what this means and my mind is still learning, so I don't know. I've been convicted recently about feeling like a passion-less person. So perhaps that is it, perhaps I need to start advocating for someone else other than myself. I'm trying to figure it out and I know God will show it to me when my heart is ready.

I had my first biology exams this week. The ecology one I got a 98% on. This is probably the hardest thing for me to learn, especially since I sleep through most of the class, so I was super proud. In college I started praying that God would help me out on exams. Each semester my prayer changes a little. While I'm studying for exams I pray that God would give me focus and attention. The day before the exam I pray that God would let me see anything that I may have disregarded that is super important. The hour before the exam I ask God to infiltrate my intuition and remind me to follow my gut, allow me to remember everything we'd prepared for. And there. 98%. amazing.

As usual, life is going quite well. We've been sharing our testimonies in 2:42's and I'm trying to figure out if I actually have one.

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