Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fall semester

So school is back on and I'm once again trying to find a routine that works. I already feel overwhelmed with the amount of time that I devote to different sort of things.
We began Human Body lectures today, I feel like it will get much more interesting as the semester moves along. Also, I started my abnormal psych class today. My teacher says "I'm not a powerpoint guy." My question is, how can you teach at the collegiate level and not be a powerpoint guy!?! I guess I'll survive.
Needless to say, I've already began studying and I hope I don't loose any momentum.

Today I decided that since Violet is a Mini-Schnauzer, that she must have german heritage, so I've been talking to her in german all day. Although, I only know like 3 phrases, so whenever she leaves a room I say Auf wiedersehen!! Yes, I had to look up how to spell that.

I was going to add a picture of ksu campus, but it's not working. I think I'm going to read a bit and then get to bed, because 6:30am comes so very early!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Big Booty

Today I realized that all my running up hill has made definitely made me stronger...and made me get a bigger booty. I'm like bustin' out of my jeans. I guess I need more flat runs. Or perhaps, stop eating chocolate cake. The latter is probably the more reasonable choice.

Today I was reading a book that I've been reading for over a year: Mere Christianity. Every sentence is so well thought out and so profound that I think C.S. Lewis is probably one of the most quotable men that walked the planet (next to Jesus, of course). So I pulled this quote:

"My argument against God was that the universe seemed to cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What whas I comparing this universe with when I call it unjust? ...a man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a water animal: a fish would not feel wet. Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private ideaof my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too- for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist- in other words, that the whole reality was senseless- I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality-namely my idea of justice- was full of sense. Consquently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe, therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be a word without meaning."

C.S. Lewis

I'm so so so excited for school to start. I can't wait to learn!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Today I began reading Daniel in my new study Bible. It's awesome. I've never been so happy reading a book than that big huge ESV study Bible. Best purchase ever. And how come I don't remember many Sunday School stories?

One of my facebook friends posted this as her profile pic. It's exactly what I feel.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Video Blog. I don't really say anything extraordinary here, but Violet is funny.

and the audio doesn't match up to the video correctly, so I look extra funny.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I'm now reading Ezekiel in my read the bible in the year. I'm discovering how challenging it is. Reading extremely old text about the people of Israel disobeying God continually and women "whoring" around is not quite what I had imagined when I started this thing. I guess it's all apart of the bible and it totally can still relate today with purity and honor to God. There was one passage which I really liked.

"If a man is righteous and does what is just and right-- if he does not eat upon the mountains or lift his eyes to the idols of house of Israel, does not defile his neighbor's wife or approach a woman in her time of menstrual impurity, does not oppress anyone, but restores to the debtor his pledge, commits no robbery, gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment, does not lend at interest or take any profit, withholds his hand from injustice, executes true justice between man and man, walks in my statutes, and keeps my rules by acting faithfully--he is righteous; he surely shall live, declares the Lord God." Ez. 18:5-9

Of course today the staying away from menstrual women seems a little outlandish, I have to remember that in the culture of this time women were seen as impure during that part of their cycle. God is telling us that true living is being pure, not taking advantage of others, blessing the poor and needy, being accountable to others and being completely honest.  I think I can live with that.

Anyway, today I shadowed a PA for a little bit more, I didn't get to see too much, but I did get to ask lots of questions, trying not to be so quiet. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very comfortable being quiet, especially in new and unknown situations. It is something that I have always dealt with and I'm always trying to open up and vocalize my observations more, because I'm very much an observer.
I then got to meet up with an old friend who I hadn't seen in so long, I was happy to spend time chit-chatting with her and catching up on each other's lives.
My mom also had one of her knee's totally replaced today. Surgery went well. I got to talk to her a little bit, she let me know that they finally increased her pain meds and she wasn't hurting so bad. Right now she is in a contraption in her bed that moves her new knee constantly and that is why she is in a lot of pain, not to mention that they sawed off part of her bone... Apparently, the surgeon told my dad that it was probably the worst knee that he ever had to replace. I hope in a couple of weeks she'll be feeling like a young buck again so we can do fun things together ; )

There's lots of way to replace a knee, and lots of different metal parts a surgeon can use, but I suspect this is what my mom's knee might look like right now.  Let's hope she can make it through the Physical Therapy. She's a tough lady, so I'm sure she can!

Monday, August 8, 2011

I don't like

I don't like it when people have their pre-teens stand up next to me to see who's taller. I'm not a circus show, people.
Have you never seen someone who's 61 inches tall? I'm sure you have, because it's only 2.7 inches shorter than the average american female.

I'm no spectacle.

That sounded a little angry. I'm not angry, just annoyed. I think that that situation has happened to me about 5 times in the past two years. 

So anyway I'm having this desire to go abroad. Working and or volunteering somewhere, well in New Zealand or Australia. I want to see the southern lights and I want to be on another continent and on the other hemisphere where their winter is my summer and my winter is their summer. I just found a volunteer program where I could volunteer in Auckland at a school for kids with cerebral palsy. I would love this, and so would my future master's program.

I'm Happy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I went to church tonight and the pastor spoke about Micah 6:8. I'm going to make it my theme this coming semester. Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly.

This is my current obsession:

Found this looker on The Glee Project, a show he quit because he chose his morals over wealth, fame and all the stuff that the world says we need. Cameron Mitchell, whatta great guy.

I've began the goal to simplify/organize everything in my room before school starts. Get rid of extra clutter, things I don't need, papers that I've been holding on to that I don't need.

I've also been exercising. My muscles are sore, but they feel extra strong.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I promised some people that I would give a fairly detailed account of my trip to Colorado, just because it was filled with adventures and interesting things.

Thursday, July 28, 2011:
Mary and I left Manhattan around 7am, super excited for our weekend trip to Colorado to see many things and visit our lovely friend Rebecca. We drove I-70 until Oakley which we then took two-lane highways pretty much all the way to the Great Sand Dunes National Park. We got to see lots of corn in Kansas and lots of beef once we crossed the state line in Colorado. The problem with two lane highways is that there are only really small towns off of them. So it took us several hours to find a place to eat lunch and have a potty break. We found a really small town with a gas station, luckily, since we were running low. We didn't know how long it would be until we hit a bigger town so I grabbed a hotdog and Mary grabbed a tuna snack and we sat out side and watched some llamas walk around the street. We got back in the car and in 10 minutes we hit a much larger town, with much more lunch varieties, Rocky Ford, CO. This is where we eventually got lost, because the highway that Google Maps gave us was closed for construction and the detour signs were very few and far between. Luckily, my dad gave me a giant road map of Colorado before we left so we found our way to Pueblo with it. We drove longer and arrived at the Great Sand Dunes after about 11.5 hours of driving. We rushed to the visitors center so that we could get there before it closed, forgetting all about the time change that provided an extra hour before closing time! We decided to backpack camp on one of the dunes. So we loaded up our Dads' Army Issued backpacks and duffle bags and began a long, arduous journey up a sand dune. The Sand Dunes were huge, 700 ft high, just of sand. In one book I read that there are old wagons from pioneer days buried in the Sand Dunes which are continually changing with the wind.We finally made it far enough to camp and then we saw big dark clouds rolling in. The wind picked up dramatically. And I was actually scared that I would be taken up in the storm that was coming (I acted like a freak). So after making it all the way up there, we decided we would spare our lives for the night and not get struck by lightening, and just go straight to Gunnison, CO. Our great friend Rebecca was camping for her job, and wouldn't be home until late Friday, but Rebecca's boyfriend, kindly said that we could definitely crash at the apartment a day early. So we left the park, just as sun was setting. We saw many deer as we were driving and that scared me for the rest of the trip because it was so dark and windy on that drive, my mind made me believe that there was going to be a deer at every turn in the road. We were running low on gas so we stopped at the soonest gas station we found. Once we filled up the tank a little, I stuck my key in the ignition and the car wouldn't start. I tried it again, it still wouldn't start. Here we were in Middle of Nowhere, CO, pouring rain all around us and my car wouldn't start. I took a deep breath and I asked my Heavenly Father to just touch my car with His hand and lead us safely to Gunnison. A moment later my car started and we left for Gunnison. We did get to Gunnison safely where we got to meet Rebecca's other roommate and her mysterious cat, Journey.

Friday, July 29, 2011:
This was the day we would hang around Gunnison until we got to meet up with Rebecca. Scott, Rebecca's boyfriend, gave us several options for a great breakfast. So Mary and I dined at a local cafe, The Bean. Munching on burritos I loved the idea that I had no where to be and no schedule and really no worries at all, and that was a magnificent feeling. We walked around downtown Gunnison, which isn't much but 4 or 5 blocks. We went to the visitor's center so we could find some trails to hike. They were super helpful and after a little playing in the park we went to The Dillon Pinnacles trail, about a 20 minute drive from Gunnison. I think we got lost, it was only supposed to be four miles, but we were out there a long time for 4 miles. We ended up turning around, I think we probably did 6 or 7 miles. So we were tired little hikers after it was all over. We went and got some yummy cold drinks and hung out by some fountains, then it started to rain. We decided to try to take little naps in the car for a while, as the apartment was locked because the repairman brought a new fridge for the apartment and locked as he left. After our naps we went to Mochas, so excited for our friend Rebecca to return from her camping trip. We enjoyed happy hour, buy one get one free deal, and Mary taught me how to play Golf the card game. We saw some super cute kids there and soon enough Becca called us; she was home! We went straight to the apartment and then out to eat at a local restaurant Gunnisack. Then we enjoyed the river near Gunnison. After going back to the apt. we strummed Rebecca's ukelele and went to bed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011:
Becca took us to Judd falls, which was outside Crested Butte, near Gothic, CO. We hiked a couple miles and saw the gorgeous waterfall and enjoyed the thousands of wildflowers along the trail. We took tons of pics and stopped on the side of the dirt road on the way back to take even more pictures of all the beautiful flowers, I don't think I've ever seen so many flowers. We ate lunch at The Brick Oven in Crested Butte, which is so touristy and cute I loved it. We sat outside and enjoyed the mountain air. After taking a while to decide, we figured out we all loved the veggie lovers pizza. After eating we stopped at this photographer's gallery, she had everything printed on canvas and all of the pictures of Colorado/Utah were just magnificent. We got back into the car to head to The Black Canyon, I warned my friends that I would fall asleep on the ride, and I sure did. We made two stops at the canyon, one had a dog that seriously looked like a Wolly Mammoth, it was huge and hairy. The canyon definitely made me feel so tiny, such a small thing in a huge scheme. We went back to Gunnison and made ourselves some sort of spaghetti, which was super yummy after the long day. In typical 21-year-old fashion, we went and got Martinis with our favorite Western State College/Gunnison Guy Henry. He's always great company, so we chatted it up at a local bar, that was kind of like a piano bar. Mary's drink tasted like a milk shake, and mine looked like it would poison me, but it didn't. All weekend long Rebecca, Scott and Henry had been talking about a librarian at their school Charlie, so we went and met Charlie. Charlie it probably the most memorable person I've ever met. After a very interesting conversation we went to the apartment and to bed.

Sunday, July 31, 2011:
This was the day we departed Gunnison. We ate a delicious breakfast with Becca at The W Cafe, said our goodbyes and left to Kansas. Monarch pass is much more enjoyable when it's not covered in 3 feet of snow. We made a long and windy drive home, stopping a couple times when we were hungry and had to use the restroom. I can't remember anything of significance that happened this day, we made it home in 10.5 hours, which I think was great time.

The days since then I've been recovering from the full weekend. I volunteered at the ER today and the PA who was working basically told me I was an idiot for going into the medical field, because he thinks it's awful. I didn't like him before that, and I definitely didn't like him after that. I've realized that people with bad attitudes see the world in a totally different light than those of us with much more optimism and much better attitudes. I'm trying to forget about him.
Then I went to work, I was late. The phones were ringing nonstop and it was taking me forever to log onto my computer. Finally at 5:15 I was ready to work when our on-call clinician called me asking me to find someone for her because she couldn't get ahold of the emergency phone call that that person had taken. But after several failed attempts, I could not get a hold of this person. I call the clinician and told her this, and she demanded that I call the police to do a welfare check, when I had no info of the person, no name, no phone number, no nothing! I told her I didn't know how to do that and that that I was not the on-call clinician, that this was not part of my job. She told me to "get with my boss and figure it out". Wonderful. Luckily the situation worked itself out, the client called us saying he was waiting for a call from the clinician.  Some days I love love love my job, others I feel like I worked a 15 hour shift after only 4 hours because it gets that stressful.

So I enjoyed writing all these words and giving a full account of my life's past week. It wasn't boring, was it?