Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Recap

I kind of just want to start from the beginning of summer. It's not going to be that exciting because I usually spend about 40 hours a week in a fluorescent-light filled building. Somethings have been fun though. I think it might make this a picture recap!

Right before school ended I BOLDLY cut my hair. I'm not one for drastic changes, so naturally my hairdresser had to convince me to allow her to cut 7-8 inches of hair off my head.


I guess it's grown a little since then. Which is nice, I want to one day be able to put it in a ponytail again. I guess this was a big deal to me just because I have such a big mouth and tell everyone pretty much everything I'm thinking and I didn't tell anyone about this. So I got to shock all of my friends. I got the idea from Kate.

After that happened, it was graduation weekend and lots of my buddies graduated so I was able to go to their parties and bid them farewell.
Here is Colleen and I. I met this great girl when I was a freshman in high school. We were in the same biology class, we dissected the same frog and I just loved her sense of humor. Colleen is someone I can be so honest with and I'm so grateful for our friendship. I'll miss her when she moves off to Wichita, but who knows...maybe I'll be living there next summer.

Then Brian graduated! The picture is of Brian and Soo making silly faces at one (yes, Brian had more than one, he deserved it though) of Brian's graduation party. I first met Brian, I think as a Sophomore in high school. He was dating one of my best buddies. When I transferred to KSU I saw him at Ichthus and he got me involved in the small group he was leading. Brian is super smart, wise and laid-back.  Also, just like Colleen I'm always thankful for Brian's sense of humor. It's much different than most people you meet! He's off to Arkansas. Who knows...maybe I'll be living in that state next summer too?! I'll go where ever I can get in to PA school.

Then Mary Beth graduated. What a fun roommate, mentor and seeker of Jesus. I've always been thankful for this girl's desire to be a disciple and to teach others how to be a disciple. Her love for the Lord is beautiful. She'll be in KC next year. I won't be there, there aren't any PA schools there. 

I finally went to Manhattan Hill and took in the lush Kansas view. It's been so hot this summer. I'm becoming quite acclimated to 100+ degree temperatures. I can't wait to wear long jeans again, I just love jeans.

My friend Mary and I stopped by a little house concert at a house hidden in Westmoreland, KS. They used world maps as curtains.

I've definitely been enjoying the sunsets this summer since I don't work in the evenings.

Kristin came and lived with my parents and I this summer. We got to hang out with Soo a lot. Kristin is such a great friend and I was super thankful to have her here for part of the summer.

This frog decided to live on my porch for a while.

Rebecca Doll came to town. I love visiting with this girl. She has such a desire for knowledge. Her kindness is so sweet. We went to The Flint Hills Discovery Museum and really enjoyed the giant elevator they had there, oh, and all the info about the prairie was cool too.

Hanging out with Soo a ton this summer. I love that we have been able to teach each other so much while she's been here. I'm trying to figure out a way to go visit her on my semester off when she returns to Korea.

Trying new drinks this summer. I also had a decent outfit on, so I had to share this photo.

I tried to make garlic bread in the toaster. It ended up just burning the one side of the bread. :(

We're trying to be more eco-friendly! This day my mom and I were able to use all of the bags we brought and no plastic bags were used for our groceries (except for wrapping up fresh fruit and veggies). This is kind of a big deal for my mom. The way she sees it, she has another 40 years max, and if we're up to our eyeballs in our used plastic products it won't matter to her. Still love her
I tried to make Sweet Potato Fries.
They looked so good.
They tasted so bad
and if I hadn't burnt these sweet rolls, they would have been really good.
So let's say my summer cooking expeditions haven't been going so well, but there's lots of time to practice.

I'll have a Jesus update next time. I type all day at work, and all this typing just now has me worn out.

Seeeee ya!

1 comment:

  1. I love love dove love your pictures and explanations! I feel like I haven't seen you in years. Must hang out tomorrow, hopefully.
